New Accredited JAMB UTME Registration Centres to pay N10000 Non-Refundable Fee

While becoming an accredited registration centre attracted a N10,000 refundable fee last year, this year new applicants will pay a N10,000 refundable fee. Probably JAMB wants to justify her not refunding of the so called refundable fee paid by registration centres in 2012 and prevent a possible outcry or backlash if it asks for another refundable fee this year.<br /><br />So, if you want to be an accredited JAMB UTME centre, do not expect JAMB to refund you your money.<br /><br />Read More >> JAMB UTME 2013 Registration
The Truth is Out There.


  • Thanks a lot for sharing such relevant information. Most of the people will tends to make their step to save their step. A noble deed indeed.<br />God Bless You.<br />
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