Graduate Certificate in Oil & Gas Management - Register for the Next Session Now

edited December 1969 in Sciences
The Graduate Certificate in Oil & Gas Management (GCOM) brought to you by Oil & Gas Softskills (OGS)  brings together the essential skills and qualifications to begin a successful career in the Oil Industry and the related sectors . These include Banking, Insurance, and the Small Business Enterprises servicing the industry.<br /><br />The Oil Industry is  a highly Complex, Knowledge-driven and Capital Intensive Business. The Technical, Financial, and Environmental Risks are high. <br /><br />With the imminent passage of the Nigerian Petroleum Industry Bill, the need for Individual Competence in the Oil & Gas sector has become paramount. This is important in order to drive the Local Content Initiative. <br />OGS offers the Graduate Certificate in Oil & Gas Management to meet this need. <br />The GCOM program includes training in Upstream & Downstream Operations, E & P Business Strategies & Field Development Project Management. You will develop thorough understanding of strategic business issues across the entire Hydrocarbon value chain from Exploration to Production & down to Retailing of petroleum and petroleum products.<br />To learn more about this program and other available programs visit:<br /><br />
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