Message for JAMBITES
I wish all writing the 2012 JAMB UTME sucess as they sit for their exams tomorrow. Remember to go with your Registration Slip and make sure that you submmit it to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. Also attempt all qustions, ignore any rumour that you will be penalised on any question you fail. Leaving some questions untouched is even an offence when you are mandated to "attempt all questions" and shall make your OMR difficult to be scanned. Also move inside the hall with confidence because the questions are set by human beings and not spirits. Furthermore, Ignore any so-called answers sent to you by any source and be yourself. UTME is so easy to pass very well if you rely on yourself and you can easily fail it if you distrust your personality. Finally target 270 and above if you must be admmited early. Pass this information to others. Good Luck to you all!!!