What is Google Baraza - Question 20

edited December 1969 in Online Services
What is Google Baraza? From what language was the word Baraza derived from and what does it mean?<br /><br />Best answer (in our judgment) gets a N200 Airtel Recharge PIN. Click Reply/Comment to answer. Result in 3 to 4 hours.<br /><br />Terms and conditions apply.
The Truth is Out There.


  • Google Baraza is a unique online platform [created about September/October 2010] with several goals:<br />  -  To bring Africans closer by allowing them to ask and answer questions [awarding points and reputation in the process]; <br />  -  To make the internet more locally relevant to Africans so they can get information about local businesses, entertainment, health, sports etc.
  • One of Google ’s<br />goals in Africa is to make the<br />internet more locally relevant<br />and bring more people online.<br /> One of the challenges of the<br />internet in Africa is that there is<br />a lack of local content online. At<br />Google, we find that users<br />search for information about<br />local businesses, entertainment,<br />health, etc but often don ’t find it<br />because the information is not<br />yet available online.  In order to<br />help bring more local content<br />online, Google engineers have<br />created Baraza to allow people in<br />countries across Africa to ask<br />questions and post answers to<br />questions from others.<br />Here are some quick tasks to try<br />out<br />- Answer a question on your<br />favorite topic - Find a question<br />by browsing labels<br />(e.g.,"Programming & Design") or<br />Search (e.g., "Economics")<br />- Ask a question that you have<br />been wondering about
  • Google baraza is a question and answer service which allows people in countries across Africa to share<br />knowledge with each other by asking questions and posting<br />answers.<br />Baraza means  'council' or 'forum' and it originates from Swahili.
  • 1) Google baraza is a question and answer that make the<br />internet more locally relevant in africa.<br />2) Is a bantu language  <br />3) (in East Africa) a public meeting place.  <br />Origin <br />kiswahili
  • Google baraza is the google's newest question and answer service. The word baraza is derived from a french language which means council
  • Congratulations biola129, your answer has been selected as the first correct answer. Your prize (a N200 Airtel PIN) has been sent on Facebook.
    The Truth is Out There.
  • Google baraza is a unique platform designed by Google specifically for users in Africa to make it easy to get their questions answered by the community.
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