How to Get Local Sales Leads

edited December 1969 in Online Marketing
Do you know that it is possible that the product you are planning to waste foreign exchange importing is manufactured by a company in Nigeria or is in the stock of a wholesaler in Nigeria? Local sales leads from services like NaijaTechGuide Marketplace enable you find local sources for products and services, saving you time and money<br /><br />Similarly that excess inventory in your factory may actually be useful to anther factory facing shortages. You can get local and global sales leads on online B2B marketplace like the NaijaTechGuide Marketplace. You post your sell offer, the minimum order your take, your asking price. Sales leads made easy.<br /><br />Get Business Leads
The Truth is Out There.


  • My brother in Law is studying Marketing nowadays. This information would be relevant for his field of interest. I bet he is going to thank me if I forward this article to him as well.<br />
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