... How to Improve Memory, Pass Exams and Interviews

edited December 1969 in Admissions & Cutoff
Dear Friend,<br /><br />Don’t pull out your hair every time you forget something. <br /><br />A lot of people have bad memories and are embarrassed by it. You’re not alone. <br /><br />But did you know that you have the ability within you to improve your memory? You can remember names, to-do lists, project tasks, exam material and anniversary dates with ease.<br /><br />All you need is to know how to unleash that goldmine of yours – the capability to remember things upon request!<br /><br />Here’s an interesting story...<br /><br />A man was in his 2nd year studying for his University Degree. It’s the 3rd consecutive year for him. He has failed his year 2 year exams twice already. <br /><br />While being laughed at behind his back from his former classmates, this 31 year old man continued to study hard – he always has. <br /><br />He spends an enormous amount of time studying. It affected his social life but he was keen to pass. <br /><br />No matter how hard he studied and revised the material, he just couldn’t seem to remember enough facts for him to pass the exams.<br /><br />The thought of suicide was not far away. That was how much it frustrated him.<br /><br />One day by chance, the man was speaking to a woman who has done very well in her exams and was in her final year. <br /><br />She always seemed happy and relaxed. She had time to go out with friends, read science fiction (which was her hobby) and most important of all, she passed with flying colors with every exam or test she took.<br /><br />The man told her about his problems and then asked her how she did it. <br /><br />For Full details visit www.cricket.im
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