edited August 2012 in Computers
IF YOUR BLACKBERRY IS SLOW AND SOMETIMES HANGS-UP HERE IS THE SOLUTION<br /><br />Now I will try to explain the cause of slow sluggish response and frequent hanging of your blachberry phone then I will show you the simple solution. I must say am glad to be part of your world of solution [VESTERconcept]. Am excited I finally had the opportunity to share to the people fantastic info that will offer solution to them.<br /><br />By the way my name is Chinonso. Have your Blackberry phone been slow and sometimes hangs up? Well, the fact is "Every Action, Process on your blackberry Phone is logged". You check Mail, Use Facebook, Use BBM, Yahoo! Messenger and Twitter.  All these Processes are logged in the Blackberry Event Logs. Once the Saved Logged hit some certain levels, the ram of the phone would be used up to certain level that It tells on the Phone and then it begins to Slow down the  Phone and even leading to hanging up as there are no much memory left in the RAM.<br /><br />The Simple Solution is to <br /><br />Read more » http://vesterconcept.org/if-your-blackberry-is-slow-and-sometimes-hangs-up-here-is-the-solution/


  • Millions of thanks for sharing this. As I have said before that I was facing this problem too, but now I’ll be happier and will definitely going to change my mind of switching to another cell phone.
  • I am miss faith Kambo,a young and attractive single girl.I am here to meet new people,seek for friends or maybe more than friends,my life has been boring and i need a change.I saw your profile today and just needed to know you more,if you dont have anything against that,then you can contact me via my private mail box (faithkambo@yahoo.com)for easier communication and maybe exchange of pictures.I hope to hear from you soon,till then,bye.<br />
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