Apple Gives Free Bumpers to iPhone 4 Owners to Fix Reception Issues

edited December 1969 in Smartphones
<br /><br />iphone-reception-pc-0963-rm-eng.jpg<br />Update: Free bumpers are available everywhere outside the US as well.<br />Apple has finally announced that they will be providing iPhone 4 users with free bumpers in order to combat the antenna/reception issues that so many have experienced. This news comes from the impromptu press conference held by the company today. This announcement comes after Apple Care representatives were informed specifically not to give away or promise free bumpers, and also after Apple claimed these issues were a normal problem that is present in most smartphones.<br />Steve spent most of the press conference addressing the fact that this is an industry wide problem and not something specific to the iPhone:<br />“you can go on the web and look at pictures of nokia phones that ship with stickers on the back that say “don’t touch here” ….”we showed you three phones today that have these same problems”…. “so right now the state of the art of the entire industry is that no one has solved this problem “…. “would I love apple to be the first? yes.” –Steve Jobs<br />steve_jobs.jpg<br />So… officially… if you have an iPhone 4, you will receive a free bumper from Apple, and also have the ability to choose from a select few of other cases if Apple’s bumpers are out of stock. If you already bought a bumper, you can get a refund from Apple, however Jobs noted that they would not be refunding third party cases.<br />This offer is currently available until September 30th, when jobs claims they will “examine” the problem once again and might find “another solution”.<br />We will keep you posted on any other news that breaks during the ongoing Apple iPhone 4 press conference.<br />__________________________________________<br />iphone 4 cases<br />iphone 5 cases<br />ipad 2 accessories  <br />
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